2. Travel the world. Experience as many different countries and cultures as possible. Learn from them and respect them, take every opportunity to go and do and see!
3. Seek out your passions. Grow them! It doesn't matter what they are, know that you are capable of reaching whatever goal you can dream up and set for yourself. Invest in you.
4. Do not be afraid to speak up when you feel something is unfair, unjust or harmful. We are all deserving of kindness. There is no cause or difference worthy of belittling or bullying others. Doing the right thing is not always the popular thing but it will always be worth it.
5. I hope that one day you know what it feels like to love another person with all of your heart. Take your time and never rush into the matters of the heart. Enjoy your youth and be carefree but when you're ready, loving someone else faithfully and completely will be one of the greatest gifts of your life.
6. Of course, I hope that you know what it feels like to be loved by another person with all of their heart. When you do fall in love, make sure that person is willing to give the same to you. You are worth the effort and always remember that true love is an equal partnership.
7. May your heartbreaks in life be minimal. They will happen and although they can feel consuming and paralyzing, know that they are a part of your story. The hurt will shape you and it will make you a wiser and better person. Learn from every experience. Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is allow yourself to be vulnerable.
8. Have a group of friends who will be loyal and encouraging. Over the course of your life you will hold many friendships so don't waste time on anyone who is not good to you. Let the lessons from all of these relationships allow you to build a circle of friends who will always be there to stand with you in the highest and lowest moments of your life.
9. No matter what happens to you, remember that daddy and I are here to care for you, guide you and support you. Even if we disagree with you, don't ever be afraid to come to us for help. We may not always have the answers or the means, but we'll be in it together. Our love for you is without limits or conditions and it will always be that way.
10. Never forget your faith and love for Jesus. I know we don't go to church often, but we feel very blessed to have everything that we have and we thank Him often. Please develop a relationship with Him and let Him be the north star that guides your life.
When I think of your future, my heart can barely contain the hope it holds for you. You are still in my belly now, but the days are moving fast and I'm taking every opportunity to be purposeful and open about my dreams for you. But these words are just that! Merely a launching pad for the possibilities of your life! Who will you become? What will you achieve? Only time will reveal those things. I am certain that the very best thing I will ever do in my life has already begun. In whatever you accomplish, you will be my greatest legacy.
Te amo con todo mi corazon,
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