Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 14, 2012

Another Week Flies By!

How far along am I? 34 weeks and I still can't believe this journey is going to end soon!
Total weight gain? Well as of last week at the doctor's office, I have gained almost 22 pounds! Holly Molly!!!
Sleep? Not much AT ALL!!! Lucas loves keeping me up tossing, turning and kicking usually between 3am-430am and I have to admit that I'm not very good at going to bed much earlier than 11pm-12am, so I really can't complain!!!! Also having to get up and pee about 2-3 times a night interrupts any possible "resting" time!....ALL worth it :)  
How am I feeling? I'm still feeling pretty good although at times feeling a little anxious about the BIG day! Normal, right? I also feel much bigger than I look (apparently!), getting more and more tired, fatigued, occasional heart burn and crazy Braxton-Hicks remain pretty frequent and now my legs and feet are starting to swell noticeably!...again, ALL worth it :) !!!! 
Best moments this week? Mother's Day was yesterday and it was wonderful to hear everyone congratulating me on my very first one! Even though Lucas is not here yet, it was wonderful and sweet to be acknowledged as a "mom"...My mom also made this bag that said it all! and it brought tears to my eyes when she gave it to me. A bag full of M&Ms (my favorite!) with  a special message: "Green is for the inspiration you give me each day, Blue is for the passion you are showing along the way, Orange is for your warmth and caring style, Yellow is for the way you always make me smile, Red is for my life that you have touched for 30 years...You place a light in my hands that melts into my heart and lives forever. You are "Magnificent & Marvelous", Thank you for being my M&M. You will be the "best mom", Lucas is already very proud of you. Love you :)" it was so simple and yet so perfect! Thanks Manis!!!

Movement? Lucas seems pretty active although he remains shy! not a lot of people have been able to feel him kick!!! I do love feeling him move around and looking at my belly getting deformed at times because of his movement is just awesome!
Belly Button? Well, it is definitely not an outie but not an innie either....just plain flat!!!! Weird! 
Food cravings? Not really having any specific cravings, but I was SOOOOO happy to find these at Target for $1, because they take me back to my younger years!!!!

What am I looking forward to? Finishing up the nursery!!!
Baby milestones? Our weekly email says that Lucas is now urinating about 1 pint per day so we better get those diapers ready!!!! Also, the protective vernix coating on his skin is becoming thicker and the lanugo hair is almost gone!!! It also says he will be getting in the "ready-position" for descend (head down) but this child is already and overachiever, he has been head down since week 26!!! (Stay in there buddy, you don't need to get TOO ready!)
34 Weeks and loving it!

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